Thursday, July 10, 2014

Mantra of the Foxx #1: In the Beginning

Foxx's Log,

Entry Num 78 dash 2

If someone you're around says "people don't read books anymore..." un-friend them.  Do it now! (I will wait)  If they're not your friend, a kick, punch, jab.... any kind of physical abuse towards them should do.  There has never been a better time to be a reader or writer of literature.  E-books, print-on-demand, plus the sheer amount of places/sites selling quality, cheap back issues is just to name some of the newer ways for a society to absorb potential masterpieces.  Getting a book out there in the world, or finding past volumes has never been easier.

On the artist's side of it, it seems a majority thinks the worlds (like in the music industry) have become too blurred together.  Anyone can "clickity click" their way to a 50,000 word book and publish it on Amazon.  After making an account (if they don't have one... but seriously, who doesn't already have an Amazon account?) they would set the price and officially accomplish what could never happen twenty-five years ago: being a legit published author in a few easy steps.   Say what you want, that is both awesome and scary to a lot of people, especially in the publishing biz.  The ability to get around the traditional publisher and access sites with free, raw, downloadable content is a threat.  Sure you can still go the old fashioned route using strictly brick and mortar publishers.  They're great too, but some may describe it as a "crap-shoot" or "winning the lottery", also discussing the ability of someone else owning the rights to your work.  It does drive more to self-publish these days.  Thus far, it's been exciting to say the least.

First thing's first, you gotta figure out what the "eff" you like. For some of us it is difficult, others it comes easy.  We know exactly how to tell a story.  We pay the sixty-two cents at the ticket booth, the imagination ferry takes us across the Delaware, and we meet the Three Stooges for three-on-three basketball.   Some dudes/chicks maybe get lost on this trip and never come back (spooky).  If you are still reading this, get ready, you are going to have so much damn fun.  Just continue reading this blog and read the recommended books... the joke we call life... like everyone, you won't get it, but it will be a whole lot more enjoyable.  Oh, yeah!  I feel it!  (I just slapped myself)  Yes, that's it!

It's the said idea that spurred you into writing or reading in the first place!  Not all of us are like Ralphie from "A Christmas Story."   Some of us just don't know what the "eff" we want for Christmas.  C.J. Foxx is a name, a symbol for small community.  One that dives into the art of communication… we record ideas, find ways to explore the realms of comics, film, literature, television, and with some extreme interest in American sports.

Mantra Part One

#1 What do you Like to do?  What is your kink?
Pair two things together you adore in life, the things you can stay up all night divulging to your teddy bear or diary.  As you could tell the topics previously mentioned are a broad net. The top two on our list if it came down to it would be comics and sports.  Progressive conversations, we draw parallels between any genres brought to the table.   It has already been unifying to groups that wouldn’t normally mingle.
My book: Super-Hero Bowl VI is more than a merging of our two biggest passions, the story has hints of Greek Mythology along with classic to modern movies.   It helps give it layers, undertone and or enhance the ability to encapsulate.  It’s a good habit to you cycle through your resources, when you’re going along switch to avoid being stagnant, or possibly switch to get yourself out of a rut.  When you're writing about something it is paramount you keep your head down, keep a’ truckin’ and don’t underestimate the moment.  Having a good idea and not writing it down is like getting a cut and waiting too long to wash it out.  That’s how all this started, pieces, a collection of people weaving sentences, paragraphs into one full-length adventure story.

#2 Interaction is the Best Inspiration

Consider digging deep into your memory (Carlton) banks and into the events that have transpired.  It can also be a way to break through the dreaded “block.” (Blocked! Blocked!) Is there something you wish you could have done differently or some fork in the road you wish you reexamined?  No matter what, keep doing what you’re doing.  Incorporate it however you can, even if it doesn’t make sense at the moment.   Edit the finalized product in the morning, when you’re sober and have a clear(er) mind.  The main thing is that you catch that fleeting moment.  Maybe some drug fueled night ruined your life, and it makes you want to construct something.  Happens to all of us… every night… and day… and every lunch break.  No judging here, we just want the opinions from a few good men and women.

Stay tuned for Mantra part two: the Mantra Reloaded: Mantra Returns: Godzilla Vs. Mantra: M2… you get the point and remember, you cannot escape the sun!

C.J. Foxx
Author of Super-Hero Bowl VI: The Bulbheads Vs. The Advancemen

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