Sunday, February 15, 2015

Walking Dead Episode Review 5.10: Them

First Beth, now Tyreese who is next? Are we going to go for three Major cast member deaths in a three consecutive episodes, Let’s dive in and find out!

Nope, this episode is one of the dullest I’ve seen since Beth quest to get drunk. Basically they’re walking down a road to Washington, hungry and thirsty, weary of the existence they’re forced to live, frustrated and grieving from the continual death of their comrades.  While I appreciate the allegory of the throes of combat, it does not make for entertaining television.  

This is a show about Zombies and yet they make these entirely sappy and pointless episodes.  For many of us these TV shows are the heroin that keep us drudging through our lives until next week’s episode, till the next season. It’s escapism and we don’t need to be reminded of what we are escaping from.  If I want to watch people crying and grieving, I’ll watch a New York Knicks game.

Sasha is raging after losing Tyreese, almost stabbing Michone during a fracas near a bridge.  Daryl is using cigarettes to burn his hand, Everyone is dealing with the harsh reality in their own way. Michone of all people is the voice of hope. 

So it starts raining and everybody is happy for a bit then they go to a barn because Daryl found one somehow.  During storytime at Uncle Ricky’s, he calls the group "The Walking Dead."

Zombies come to the barn blah blah, they hold them off. This review is short because the producers needed a filler episode, this is the kinda crap that makes me love real shows like Breaking Bad.

Maybe we'll get lucky and get something good from the arrival of Aaron, 

C.J. Foxx 

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