Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Walking Dead Episode Review 5.11: The Distance

I apologize for the delay, been battling the flu mixed in with allergies.
Trust is a tricky item to utilize.  Too little and you’re Paranoid Rob Lowe who has cable. Too much and you’re Manti Teo with a fake girlfriend.  For a multitude of different reason, trust is hard to come by these days.  

Aaron Wroggers arrives with promise of shelter and a town where they can all safely live the remainder of their days.  He shows pictures of the steel walls that protect them from the zombies.  What does Rick do, he punches Aaron square in the jaw.  Now put yourself in Rick’s shoes.  Last time he put his faith in someone outside of his group, they turned out to be cannibals.  This whole episode is basically a vetting process for Aaron and the team gradually realizes that maybe, just maybe Aaron is a good guy.
Aaron wants to help but Rick keeps threatening to kill him if anything he says goes awry.  I understand both sides, Rick is trying to protect his group from a potential false prophet and Aaron is trying to do and say everything he can think of to show them that he is telling the truth about Alexandria.  I like how during a firefight with Zombies, Aaron offers to let Rick tie him up again. 
The exchange between Aaron and Eric seemed to seal the deal that he is an on the level person.  They exuded the same types of exchanges that members of Rick’s crew would have with each other.  Aaron is out collecting the license plates from every state.  Eric injuries himself trying to get a plate for Aaron, but then Aaron loses the car with the plates. They both have human qualities still, like Rick and his crew. 
The episode ends with everybody arriving at the gates of Alexandria and hearing the sounds of children playing on the other side of the fence. 
This not a bad episode by any stretch, but it’s a long job interview for Aaron and a trust building exercise for everyone else, Simple but effective.  

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