Sunday, October 11, 2015

Walking Dead Episode Review 6.1: First Time Again

Welcome back to the world of Zombies

I did not take a detour through the Walking Dead Los Angeles, I mean Fear the Walking Dead. I'm not particularly fond of the whole spinoff series of the main one Concept, like all the Law & Orders, CSIs, NCIS', etc. It's worse when they are all episodic shows in nature and it becomes derivative in nature. Maybe I'll watch Fear of the Walking Dead at some point, but I'm not going to go out of my way to watch that bloody show when I can write my own Bloody book...

Tonite's episode was one of the best in the series even though there wasn't a whole lot to it. Unlike last season's finale when it felt like they were just stretching things out unnecessarily to fit 90 minutes. This one actually needed the whole amount of time. Immediately upon viewing we are thrusted into the middle of a gargantuan herd of zombies, wedged behind tanker trucks. Rick is leading the group with some kind of a plan that they have to execute earlier than schedule to lead the herd of zombies away from heading to the camp.

The whole sequence felt reminiscent of the barricading scene from Dawn of the Dead where our heroes block the doors to the shopping mall with trucks. I was itching to hear the bitchin Goblin soundtrack that played. This is on a much bigger scale with some epic images including Daryl leading a mass of zombies on his Harley.

The large caper portion was mixed in with B & W filtered scenes that encompassed the events from the end of the previous season until now, almost like a bridge so to speak and for the most part they blended the two stories together quite well. This part echoed the Christopher Nolan masterpiece Momento albeit the story here is told in a linear fashion.

There was a mini mutiny going on with Carter, (who I swear just showed up for this episode) wanting to kill Rick to take back the camp.  He thinks that Rick's plan is going to get people killed.  Eugene bumbles into the discussion and then Carter nearly kills him until Rick steps in and turns the tables on Carter with a gun to his head.  Rick spares him and eventually as the plan unfolds they shake hands with Carter admitting that he was wrong.

Shortly thereafter, Carter is bitten by a zombie and Rick ends up knifing him in the head when he wouldn't keep quiet. In a previous scene, Rick had admitted to Morgan that he spared Carter because he'd die anyway.

The episode ends with the plan going perfectly until a blaring horn goes off sending the herd straight to Alexandria. Great cliffhanger finish! Now will they keep it up? That remains to be seen.

Let’s update the “Who I’d Like to See Die List!”

#3 Sasha, Last Season #1

She and Abraham are hanging out together now and it seems like each of them have deathwishes now. This could be an intriguing arc if they actually give Abraham more than a couple of minutes of screen time each episode. 

#2 Glenn - Last Season, #3

Glenn lets Nicholas lives and then is trying to play boss over him since he's covering up for the events of last season's finale. He's just annoying again with the "I should be delivering Pizza's line."

#1 Nicholas – Last Season Unlisted

He's just a little shithead and it's going to take a lot for me to forget that he killed Everybody Hates Chris. They used the comparison of Tara being on the wrong side when Hershel was killed last season, but Tara didn't actually kill anybody, Nicholas did and somebody needs to acknowledge that!

Those are my thoughts, feel free to comment below

C.J. Foxx 

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