Sunday, October 25, 2015

Walking Dead Episode Review 6.3 Thank You

Those are the words I'm should be saying after tonite's episode because I got a few things I wanted, but not necessarily the way I wanted them to happen. I'm distinctly reminded of my favorite of the three Matrix movies, The Matrix Reloaded. Watch this excerpt and keep it in the back of your mind.

This episode is another part of the Herd sequence. Now we're back with Rick and his crew right after the horn blared. After a quick conversation on codec with Daryl and Sasha/Abraham, they deduce that half of the herd has split off from the group Daryl and Sasha/Abraham. Rick leaves Michone and Glenn in charge with getting the Alexandrians back, while he goes back for the RV to lead the other half of the herd back. Rick mentions to try and save them all but that not all of them (the Alexandrians) are going to make it back. 

A couple of the alexandrians get injured and one gets bit, but is able to shake it off. They end up in the town where Nicholas on an earlier run abandoned his crew. they shack up in a pet shop when they get surrounded by zombies. Daryl decides to double back to Alexandria to see if there is anything he can do, having faith that Sasha and Abraham can lead the herd away. Glenn and Nicholas go to try and set the feed store on fire to draw the attention of the walkers away from the pet shop boys. 

Alexandria's runner Heath has a bit of a spat with Michone over what Rick had said. He wants to bring everybody back when the injured folks ask to be left behind. Michone echos that sentiment, but defends Rick because He's been out there and she's been out there having to do things that make them afraid of themselves afterwards. it's a pretty good scene there. The gun fire from the Alexandria schermish draws a chunk of the walkers past the pet shop, but 

Two walkers wake up behind a locked door and make a huge racket. They eliminate the threat inside, but it attracts the attention of the outside walkers and they are quickly swarmed. Michone and company lead a desperate gambit out the pet shop and lose two of the remaining Alexandrians. but are able to escape behind a steel cage door. Meanwhile the feed store is already burned to the ground when they arrive leaving Glenn and Nicholas to a corner. The two unload their ammo before assending a dumpster. Nicholas has one of those moments where everything slows down and then Glenn shakes him out of it. Nicholas then says "Thank you," puts a gun to his head and blows his brains out. the momentum knocks Glenn off the dumpster as well and he is ripped to shreds by zombies. It is GLORIOUS!

Rick makes it to the RV and speeds off towards his destination, while Michone Heath and the other guy make it back to Alexandria, with Heath having an interesting moment looking at his face in the water. Rick tells them to continue the mission even though they hear the gunfire back home. Daryl heads back and reunites with Sasha after losing contact with Rick. Who is attacked in the RV by the Wolves, but not just any Wolves, the ones the Morgan let live in the previous episode. the leader of the ones he let go, took a gun and that one led the attack on Rick. He kills them but inadvertanly damaged the engine when he shot one behind him. the herd descends upon the RV with Rick unable to get the vehicle started as the episode ends.

So we get both Glenn and Nicholas dying tonite and while I should feel bad for Glenn, I can't find myself feeling this way. He had the chance to justifiably kill Nicholas during the season Five finale when Nicholas lead him into the woods and tried to kill him more than once. If that person ends up getting you killed it's your fault. 

Yea, I was not expecting to kill both Glenn and Nicholas in the same episode. I figured this would linger on longer in to the season or even not at all and Glenn would die in a more dignified manner, (kinda like how he did in the comics) after Maggie was revealed to be pregnant although they can still do that and introducing Heath as another runner kinda made Glenn expendable. 

This also harks back the whole cause and effect thing that the Merovingian was babbling about. This has been going on in these three episodes since they are so exclusively connected. Things that are happening in other places are affecting what happens here and visa versa. It is also becoming more prevalent now that Morgan and his pacifist ways have arrived. Rick and his crew have generally had more of a kill or be killed mentality. The wolves attack caused the whole herd separation issue, which caused Rick to go off on his own and Glenn to get stuck in the town and get killed and so on. 

My bet based on the trailer for next week is that we're going to get a full Morgan's backstory episode and leave our jaws on the floor waiting to find out Rick's fate. Hopefully these won't be as stupid and unnecessary as the Governor's two solo episodes were in Season Four.

In light of the deaths of #2 & #1 on the Who I Want to Die List, I'm suspending the list until more people come along and get on my nerves. Most of those people these days are the Alexandrians and the show kills most of them off before I can learn their names.

Those are my thoughts, feel free to comment below

C.J. Foxx 

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