Saturday, March 14, 2015

Walking Dead Episode Review 5.13: Forget

Tonite’s episode is called “forget,” last week’s was called “remember.”  There’s a purpose to that. This episode is more about the acclimation of the group to the new surroundings.  Deanna has a party where everyone Alexandria gets a chance to meet the Rick and his crew.  It’s a bit jarring to see everyone wearing normal clothes and it’s definitely jarring for them to be in the community where there are kids worrying about cookies and stamping people. 

Sasha gets a bit in the opening where she’s shooting framed pictures of people in Alexandra including Aaron.  She’s still grieving from losing Tyreese and Bob.  She later has a freakout at the party because someone who is nice enough to make a meal for her is worried that Sasha won’t like it.  Daryl has a Spaghetti dinner with Aaron and Eric. Michone is trying on one of the constable jackets with her sword at her side and later she retires he blade.  Abraham tries to enjoy himself at the party.  You get the picture it’s awkward.

The main plot (if there even is one) revolves around Rick, Daryl, and an undercover Carol are working behind the scenes trying to create an ammo and gun stockpile.  They are trying an Ocean’s 11 style capper to get some 9mm pistols and ammo to the place where rick left his pistol before they entered Alexandria. It’s decided that Carol is the one to who gets to do the deed.  Daryl is being followed everywhere he goes by Aaron and Rick is too noticeable as a cop.  Carol gets the guns but is nearly caught by a child she threatens to tie to a tree outside camp.

Aaron and Daryl have a bit of a bonding experience outside while trying to wrangle in a black horse named “Buttons.”  They are both considered outsiders, Aaron because he’s a Homersexual and Daryl because well he’s Daryl.  After they have the Spaghetti Aaron invites Daryl to the garage and reveals that he has motorcycle parts and an unfinished chopper.  He also asks Daryl to be his partner on Recruitment missions. Fun twist here because there has been a question about Daryl's sexuality on the show.

The most interesting development (to me anyway) revolves around a zombie Rick finds that has a W slashed on its forehead.

The team is gradually forgetting their lives on the outside and are trying to adjust to their new lives inside the walls. Things are kinda slow right now and many characters have been relegated to background to making cameos appearances.  I thought for a bit that Father Gabriel had been shuffled aside due to some internal “Cousin Oliver” issue since I haven’t seen him at all in like three weeks.  This wreaks of the calm before the storm as we’re just three episodes until the season finale and shit is going to pick up. It better, because if it doesn't I'll just stick to more interesting shows like Better Call Saul.

C.J. Foxx 

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