Sunday, March 22, 2015

Walking Dead Episode Review 5.15: Try

After a violent episode which resulted in the gruesome deaths of Noah and Aiden.  What’ll be in store for Rick and his crew tonite as we’re just one episode away from the extended Walking Dead Season 5 Finale.

First let me kick things off my inaugural “Who I hope will Die list!”

To make this list you have to be a somewhat major character and not a proverbial “red shirt”

I consider Nicholas and Pete in this category because they haven't been on the show very long and appear to be earmarked to die at some point before season’s end. Lets’s begin!

#3 Tara

This character is the most useless in Rick’s crew and does nothing but annoy at every step. She's being more productive right now being fixed up by Pete than she was going on runs and talking to Eugene.

#2 Father Gabriel

Father Gabriel’s inclusion on this list is due to his recent turncoat status where he declares Rick to be Satan even though he appears to be in the angel’s light. The Father is actually talking about himself since he abandoned his congregation when the zombie apocalypse occurred, leaving them to either die or be turned. He was so far in the background that I didn’t even know he actually made it to Alexandria, but this brought him back into the forefront.

#1 Sasha

Her character has done nothing but get on my nerves the entire season. We get it, you’re sad that you’ve lost Tyrese and Bob. Maggie lost most of her Family too and she’s sucked it up. Why can’t you? because you are a weak weak person.  When somebody offers to make you your favorite dish, you don’t need to act like a bitch and raise a fit!

Now onto the Episode!

Carol makes a Tuna Casserole for Deanna as she mourns the death of her son, but she burns the card. The Battle lines are drawn.

Each side begins by telling their story. Nicholas spins a complete lie to Deanna and Glenn the truth to Rick.  Carol recants a situation that happened Jesse beaten by Pete and was found by her son Sam. She was out cold and Bleeding. Rick wonders why Carol cares and says you know why, alluding to her deceased Abusive husband Ed and Rick cares because of his obvious feelings. Pete or Porchdick (as my sister calls him) encounters Rick by the river.  He just replies “keep walking“ to a stunned Porchdick as he resists the urge to shoot him with the revolver in his hand.

The next morning Rosita reveals to Michone that Tara is recovering and that Sasha is missing.  She had spent the night in the clocktower and hasn’t been seen. The duo goes out looking for him Michone without her sword. They follow a trail of Zombies with bullets in the backs of their heads until they find her in a frenzy. She’s gone on “Offense” as she just starts shooting every zombie in sight. Michone flashes back to her earlier self and begins shooting other zombies along with Rosita.  Sasha once again throws a fit saying that it all worked out for Michone, completely unaware that Michone lost her son.

Rick confronts Deanna about Pete, who she has known of his behavior and condoning it because he’s a surgeon and has saved many lives. Rick wants to separates him but eventually acknowledges that he needs to kill him before he kills Jessie, but Deanna doesn't consider it civilized and would resort to exile of Pete or Rick if necessary. Rick goes to Jessie saying that wants to protect her before Pete kills her but she’s in denial as well. She shuts him out but Rick comes back in and offers to protect her and the boys, She agrees just as Pete walks in. Jessie stands up to Pete and asks him to leave. Rick and Pete get into a violent fight that involves both of them going though a window which was nicely foreshadowed the previous week.

In B Plot land Carl follows his new girlfriend outside again but she catches him and they frolic in slow motion Ugh. They each admit that they are afraid of each other and have a cute moment in a hollow tree. A Zombie with a W on it’s head shows up and she says this is the zombie’s world and they just live in it.

Glenn confronts a delusional Nicholas and declares he’s saving Nicholas’ life by keeping him stuck in the walls.  Glenn has stepped up and matured quite a bit from how he was just a season ago.  He acknowledges that he could have killed Nicholas outside, but he wants the gang to survive in Alexandria and realized that he couldn't do that if he killed Nicholas.

Aaron and Daryl run into a group of tied up walkers and another with the W carving.

The fight gets vicious as it’s dragged into the street where everyone can get a good strong whiff of it. Pete knocks back Jessie who attempts to break them up and Rick does the same with Carl later on. Deanna stops the fight while a bloodied Rick, threatens to kill Pete and draws his gun. Rick makes a speech saying that they need to live in the real world.  Michone clocks Rick in the back of the head (while wearing the constable outfit) and it ends the episode.

This is another gripping episode and is setting up Rick being exiled from Alexandria. It started off great with the Nine Inch Nails song that opened the episode and it set the tone of unrest between the two camps.  More walkers showed up with the W carved on their heads and that situation I think is going to come to head next week in the season finale and end up keeping Rick in Alexandria.  I’m looking forward to just watching next weekend and hopefully it’ll be good.

C.J. Foxx 

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