Sunday, March 15, 2015

Walking Dead Episode Review 5.14: Spend

I just got back home from driving 7 hours in a car to attend the Tucson Festival of Books which is an amazing event.  For those who love books and want to be writers one day it's a great event to attend.  I visited and learned with authors from the east coast to the west coast. Thank you to everyone who attended the event and to all of the Volunteers and friends of the festival. This was my second year of attending and I'll be there this time next year!

Now, after the quality of the last couple of walking dead episodes I was losing interest in the show and dreading having to watch the episode.  Last week's show was so uneventful that, I almost didn't put up the review!  When I got in, I really just wanted to take a nap, like I was Garfield the Cat after eating Lasagna.

I'm glad I didn't.

Spend was one of the strongest episodes of the entire series.  The main theme of this episode is about bravery vs cowardice.  It begins with our crew Glenn, Tara, Everybody Hates Chris and Eugene going on a run with Alexandria regulars Aiden and Nicholas. The solar power system is running into issues and they have to get replacement parts. Eugene doesn't want to go as he doesn't think he's qualified.

Once at the supply factory, The team begins to get swarmed by zombies and Aiden accidentally shoots the grenade on a armored-military zombie after Glenn warns him. The explosion injuries Tara and impales Aiden on some shrapnel.  They regroup in another room after Nicholas determines that Aiden is dead.  As it turns out Aiden is still alive and wakes up. Eugene is left with Tara while the three remaining runners go and attempt a rescue.  It is determined at this point that Nicholas and Aiden abandoned their recently deceased comrades referenced a couple episodes ago. Nicholas flat out splits while Noah and Glenn try to save Aiden until they get overrun by Zombie and are forced to flee. Aiden's death is epic and reminded me of Captain Rhodes' demise from Day of the dead

Glenn and Noah catch up with Nicholas and end up stuck on opposite sides of a revolving glass door, surrounded on both sides by Zombies.  Things are dire until Eugene, a self professed coward, brings the Van around having Tara in the back. Ironically the van was blaring out techno music that ironically had earlier said "now you're going to die" before they went on the run.

Glenn comes up with a plan to get the three out of the doorway but before they could implement the plan Nicholas playing the coward card opens the door and it causes Noah to be sucked inside by the Zombies and brutally consumed, while Glenn is forced to watch in an equally amazing kill sequence to the one we just witnessed  which makes up for the fourth grade digital effects they used earlier. I could rant for days that practical effects always more effective than those computer generated ones.  Nicholas at this point attempts to commandeer the van from Eugene but Glenn arrives and pummels Nicholas.

In the "B" plot, Abraham helps with a crew trying to fortify the wall when a walker attack creates another moment of cowardice amongst the Alexandria crew. an errand shot takes out the hydraulics on an elevated arm of an excavator sending a lookout to the ground.  The crew leaves her in the middle of a swarm. Abraham saves the lookout and takes over command of the crew using his military background to show he's a more than capable leader. Later on the foreman of the crew requests to Deanna that Abraham be made permanent foreman, as he is a better fit for the Job.

Daryl gets that motorcycle of his working real fast and heads out with Aaron.

Carol gets mean with the kid who saw her with the guns and happens to be the son of Rick's new girlfriend I mean Jessie who is married to Pete. Rick is investigating who knocked over the owl a second time after Rick did in an earlier episode. Turns out that The kid broke his own owl and his dad, Pete is an abusive person, big shock seeing that he's pretty much buzzed every time you see him and has a real douchie vibe to him. Carol is all to familiar as she was in an abusive relationship at the start of the series.

The episode ends with Glenn returning to camp and Carol saying that Rick is going to have to kill Pete.

Great episode, we experience another shocking death with Everybody Hates Chris "Meeting Mr. Mayhem."

The tension is building between Rick's Crew and the citizens of Alexandria and will only continue once Deanna finds out of her son's death. I forgot to mention that Father Gabriel somehow showed up again. I swear I haven't seen one peep of him since they arrived at Alexandria. He's professed to Deanna, that Rick is the Devil and is hiding behind the light. There are many things left up in the air, including Tara who may not survive the night. This episode did it's job and I'm back on board to watch the remaining two episodes of the season.

Good work!

C.J. Foxx 

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